Monday, 28 April 2014


Many children have been subjected
To life of misery by uncaring, selfish
Mothers and tyrant fathers
A life of irregular feeding till
Their flesh melted leaving behind bones.
Many are sent out to hawk various wares
Along busy streets giving no consideration
To the risks involved; childhood made a curse.
Many underage children are sent out to
Unknown families to earn money for their
Lazy parents to use as they deem fit not caring
The condition under which these children live
 Making the children grow up in a loveless world
Happiness marred by pungent suffering meted out
To them by insensitive adults who treat their own
Children with uncaring demeanor
But the parents of abducted Nigerian
Girls in Borno State of Nigeria by Boko Haram
Chose to give their daughters a lasting legacy
Of education that will guide their steps eternally
But evil men abducted them for devilish purpose
Putting pain the hearts of loving parents
The whole world is shocked by this barbaric
Disposition of those who ignorance, illiteracy
And myopic thinking have taken hostage in
This period of electronic thinking
I share the pain of the parents of the future
Light of our country but I want
To let them know that this will pass
Forces of darkness will not extinguish this light
Sit back and think; have you not
Been in tight corners before
Where escape seemed impossible
Have you not carried heavy burden
You feel will break your weak neck
The present situation no matter how
Hopeless it seems will pass away.
Transient it is and pass away it must
Proving God is in control and ultimately
Leaving behind its lessons and
Experience written in our minds
With cosmic pen.

1 comment:

Tonymodus said...

Over 200 school girls abducted by Islamist group known as #Bokoharam are still missing in Nigeria. The whole world is concerned about the fate of these innocent school girls abducted by agents of darkness from their school in Borno State in Nigeria.