Wednesday 8 November 2017

What Makes Sex Good For Men & Women, According To Real Men & Women

Sex is not always great. That is a fact, not a hot take. My first time doing "it" involved tears, and I was in love. Through the years, there have been many times that I have caught myself thinking, "Can this be over now?" as opposed to, "This is magical." A broad generalization would posit that men love any and all sex, while women prefer sex with a side of emotions. This sounds like some old fashioned BS. In actuality, what makes sex good for men and women? Are those gender norms based in any reality?
There are some physical and societal realities to consider in thinking about the stereotypes surrounding both women and men when it comes to sex. Traditionally, when we hear "sex," we think of penetrative sex between a heterosexual couple. Fun fact: According to a Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 2017 study, only 18.4 percent of women reported orgasming from penetration alone.
Society pretty much defines sex around the male orgasm. Add porn and the portrayal of women in movies, and suddenly we're all living in a real world where men are taught to sleep with lots of women to be "cool," while women are often slut-shamed if they have multiple partners. All of this is to say, I don't think all men love all sex, and I don't think all women need to be in a committed relationship to have great sex.
I poked around Reddit to find out what real men and women on the internet considered "good sex," and here's what I found:
This makes sense. In fact, you should exclusively sleep with partners who actually want to sleep with you, too. (We call that consent.)

Gay Or Straight, Men Care About Connecting During Sex

— Ayzmo
— Satherton
I could so easily imagine these "best part about sex" replies being called "feminine" but I actually think they are super manly. Men are humans too, and humans like connecting.
Of course, there were some sassy responses, such as:

Overall, Men Just Like To Know That You Are Into Them

— Mr_Spaz
— Aspriet
These types of responses were the most common on this particular Reddit thread, which confirms my belief that generalizations are trash and we shouldn't pay attention to them.

Women Also Love Enthusiasm In The Bedroom

— cirocco

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