difficulties and animosities felt between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
have destroyed many marriages. Few with son-in-law but the typical problems existing
between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are much more common than those
with a current or future sons-in-law.
is a tremendous amount of misunderstandings, misinterpretations,
hyper-sensitivity and mean-spirited gossips being peddled about each other. But
rarely any advice or real solutions being shared.
and mothers-in-law are both guilty of not even attempting to understand the
other’s wants, needs and prospective, but are very quick to criticize and
ridicule the other.
between a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law arises far too often when one or
both women try to dominate the man. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, both
want the same thing. To spend time with the man. Sometimes financial needs
create a lot of problems.
between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often occur when one or both women
try to get their needs met by attempting to exclude the other.
your husband was a son to his mother first, and the relationship bond between
mother and son should never be trifled with. The harder you try to divide and conquer
the relationship between your husband and his mother, the more you’ll discover
that you’ve undermined any and all efforts to get along with your in-laws and
will cause your husband and his family to resent you.
take anything so personal –taking every suggestion, recommendation or idea
offered as being negative against you will not help matters. Show the existence
of self-esteem on your part. Why do you choose to take everything so personal?
relationship with the son should not be competition. He married you because he
loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. In a marriage, a
husband must put his wife as number one in the relationship, but don’t make the
mistake of putting your husband in a position of having to defend his
relationship with his mother. If setting limits and boundaries are needed on
how often your mother-in-law calls to speak to your husband or visits, it is up
to your husband to decide and act on that, not you.
is key in all relationships –take the initiative to call and chat you’re your mother-in-law
with news and updates, even if you think it’s about mundane, trivial matters.
Remember birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and special occasions, just as I
bet your mother-in-law to do for you. Invite your mother-in-law to your home
for a meal on such occasions. Send pictures and cards. Ask for advice and
willingly listen to her ideas, but that doesn’t mean you must do everything her
way. Ask your mother-in-law for recipes of your husband’s favorite meals while
he was growing up –she’ll love it and so will your husband.
good care of his son. Your mother-in-law raised your husband to become the man you
fell in love with and married and she should be thanked, praised and respected
for that. Your mother-in-law wants and needs to know that the work hard work
she put forth loving, raising and caring for her beloved son will continue to
be provided in your care.
course your mother-in-law expects to see your home well-kept, clean and
orderly, just as she worked hard to do while raising him. Of course see expect
your husband to have clean clothes and clean underwear to wear at all times. Of
course she expects your son to always be well fed with healthy, nourishing
meals, just as she did so many years.
you susceptible to gossip? Do you talk crap about your mother-in-laws?
Spreading negative gossip about your mother-in-law will cause you to be labeled
as a toxic person, this will make your mother-in-law not to associate with you
or trust you ever again. The harmful effects of gossips are well-known, and you
would be wise to learn the difference between good gossip and negative gossip
before you yourself become a victim to a malicious gossiper and discover the
results the hard way.
are mother-in-law who will do everything within their power to prove you are
not worthy of their son or husband-to-be. Develop a thick skin, be assertive
and respectful, but don’t stoop to her level and become anyone’s doormat. But
not all mothers-in-law are trying to control you or take over your life; they
want to be valued and want to share a meaningful place in your lives.
Work on your relationship with your
mother-in-law; read books on the relationship between mother-in-law and
daughter-in-law.Be willing to apologize and sincerely say you are sorry for
things wrongly said or done. Work hard to make amends with your mother-in-law
and stop seeing her as a threat. Spend your time and energies building a good
relationship with your mother-in-law that will last a lifetime.
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